Monday, February 23, 2009

Uneventful Week

My apologies to all of you readers out there trying to live vicariously through me. Unfortunately, this week has been rather uneventful. My office job is just that – I get to work every morning by 8am, sit behind my computer frantically trying to build a data model, have random meetings with Erik and Pascal, eat a lunch I brought from home, and eventually go home again. I spend Thursday night at the salsa place again, and met a few more people. That was cool, although not too interesting to you guys. Friday night we went out to dinner and dancing with the PIH crew again – Heaven was having a half-price special on their cocktails and appetizers since it was a brand new menu. The food was ok, my stomach ache afterwards wasn’t. Dancing was at a place called Black and White, which turned out to be fun only because the PIH crew was 18-deep, and the club was totally empty besides us. I could dance like a maniac, and not worry about decapitating anyone. Plus, they had black lights, and I wore a white tank, so I was glowing, quite literally. Heh. Saturday I went out with the Blair Group – that’s the name we’ve given to the group of Brits that work for Tony Blair here. They live, eat, and work together, so they’re kind of one entity. We went to a Chinese place called Flamingo, and were so surprised by the speedy service we didn’t really know what to do with our evening. We were finished eating by 9pm, and knew that dancing wouldn’t happen until much later. So it was back to Papyrus for drinks (VERY tequila-heavy margaritas) and on to Planet Club and B-Club. I feel like such a crazy club-hopper now… Basically every night I go out, I end up dancing. If I don’t lose weight simply by not eating enough, I surely will with all the dancing storms I’m creating.


Tilke said...

Please tell us what you are trying to create when you go to your day job. You said you work on a data model. A data model to do what? I'm interested in knowing what you are spending all your time at work thinking about:)

Anonymous said...

DITTO...Didn't get a chance to really ask you what it was that the company was looking to get out of your stay. Though, from how you're talking about it, I'm guessing it's about as thrilling as TPS reports (If you've ever watched the movie Office Space)