Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Flight

So I’m gone again. This flight was relatively painless. Nothing was delayed, and I only had a bit of turbulence a few times. I actually got two meals on both legs of the flight (which is debatably good or bad, depending) AND the seat next to me was empty both times too.

Hanging out in Brussels for a few hours was interesting. I had forgotten how distinctly European people can look. All the women were super tall, with short cropped hair cuts and a very euro-esque bone structure. They were all blonde too. What’s with the blondeness? There was actually a group of about 15 SUPER-platinum blonde (and natural to boot), freckled girls in their 20s on my flight to Kigali. Andy… I thought of you. I wonder what they’re doing here in Rwanda now… and how people are reacting to them. Seriously, even I couldn’t look away.

Tilke and Marissa, a shout out to you both. I impulsively bought the 2nd book in the Twilight series while in the airport in Newark, and was infinitely happy with my purchase. I finished the 600-page book before landing in Kigali, and was able to leave the thing on the plane for the next poor soul imprisoned there for eight hours. To all of you who are prejudiced against the series, you can shut it. I haven’t been that riveted by a book in a VERY long time, and even though it wasn’t nearly as good as the 1st, I’m still planning on reading the other two when they come out in paper back. I wonder if there’s a bookstore here that sells NY Times bestsellers in English.

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