Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Burundian Drummers

The Burundian Drummers were the closing act of the ceremony. The center had brought them up from Burundi to do a show, and my goodness did we get a show. They opened their act by entering through the audience. They each carried a giant drum on their heads, and as they walked down the aisle, they banged on their drums and danced around, the whole time keeping the giant thing balanced on their head. The leader dude was actually doing high-kicks, and playing the drum with his feet! Yes… it’s true. I was convinced some giant accident was going to happen, but nothing did.

When they arrived on the stage (still playing and dancing away) they took turns lowering the drums to the ground. That’s when I realized those how much those drums weigh. The leader dude actually had to walk around helping people lower them down because they were giant and bulky and HEAVY! Judging from the level of strain these boys were exhibiting, I was guestimating the drums were probably somewhere around 50 or 60 pounds each… minimum.

Then for 30 minutes or so, the drummers did a whole act with different rhythms, acrobatics, chanting, singing… It was crazy. They seemed to be led by one guy that stood in the middle of the semi-circle of drummers and played his own rhythm. I guess based on his hand motions or shouts or something, they all seemed to know exactly what to do when. I was extremely impressed. I kept imaging my days of a cappella singing, and realized we were DEFINITELY never as in tune with each other as these boys were.

I don’t think I blinked for the full half-hour.

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