Friday, February 13, 2009

Salsa Dancing in Africa

Of course I should find a salsa group here in Kigali... why not, right? I found out about it via an ex-pat newsletter that Erik sent me. One of the advertisements was for a salsa event happening at a place called Pasadena. They mentioned a facebook group they had, so I randomly joined it. Thursday night finally came around, and I was unsure of whether or not to go, since I wasn’t going with anyone or didn’t know anyone I could possibly meet there. Erik thought I was crazy to go, and Judy, another house mate, mentioned she knew the Belgian guy who was running it, and said some interesting things about his style and demeanor. So, I was a little wary. But the two degrees of separation kicked in just in time. A girl named Amy sent out a facebook reminder email to the entire facebook group, and what do I find? She’s friends with Laura Noons… yup laura… you came through for me again! ;-) A quick message to Amy, and I suddenly had a name that I knew, and a face to look for in the crowd.

I arrived at Pasadena after a relatively easy cab ride (thank you Sam for speaking English) and walked in to an open-air courtyard with a dance floor in the middle PACKED with salsa dancers. Amy was there (and a little surprised I actually showed up) and get this… a bunch of MIT ballroom dancers were teaching a beginner’s lesson. Yes… MIT ballroom dancers. Once again, my two degrees of separation proved true as I mentioned my sister’s name, and a recognition light bulb went off in their heads. Whoot! Not only were there a LOT of dancers, but there were GOOD ones as well. Within two seconds I was part of the inner dancer’s circle (I only had to dance a few times with Phil, the guy leading the event, who happened to NOT be the Belgian dood, since he’s retired from running the events) and I was set.

It turned out there were several local dancers as well with some real talent. I will say, however, the best part of the whole evening was discovering that there were more MEN that could dance well than women. That NEVER happens.

So yup… I’m set for Thursday nights from now on. Obviously I’m going to become very good friends with a few of the local dancer types (many of whom learned all their salsa skills from watching youtube videos – don’t ask me how). It’s decided.


Purplestate said...

Rock on! Salsa around the world!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hope you're having a blast, sounds like it's a lot of fun out there. TAKE PICTURES and don't forget about us back in the states! Let me know when you're back so we can rock climb again. I'll be reading your blog daily. Excellent writer btw. Take care of yourself! ttyl