Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And So It Begins Again

That's right... I'm on my way to another whirl-wind adventure.  This time I'm going with the Clinton Foundation, and it's not to Latin America, but to Africa.  Yup... time to break out those French skills I've managed to squish so way down in the depths of my brain, they're probably sitting somewhere near my stomach (not to say my stomach has brain cells in it.... ok... gaa... bad image). 

AAnnnyyyway.  So yeah, I've replaced the stolen camera from my last trip, injected myself with a live culture of the Yellow Fever, boostered up on Polio, gotten hoards of cash in $100 bills dated after 2003, washed and folded and re-stored in the basement all my clothes, and given notice at the temp job I was using to occupy myself.  Things are falling into place, and even though this time I only have a few weeks to prepare instead of a few months, I may actually be ready on time.  For all of you friends based near Philadelphia, I'll be having one last climb at Go Vertical on Tuesday the 3rd, and for those of you in NYC, I'll be in for Happy Hour at Verlaine on Wednesday the 4th.  Then it's run home, zip up the bags, cancel the phone and netflix services, and off on a 22-hour flight across the world to being a new life again.

Wish me luck, and try not to forget about me.

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