Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wine Tour

Thursday Linea and I went on the bodega tour finally. Although it still rained in the morning, the afternoon was pretty nice. Unfortunately, all of us - me, Linea, Tamara, Tais... - were quite sick - who knows why, but puking is no fun - so tasting wines was a little daunting for the two of us. We managed though. Of course.

We went to two different wineries. One was super huge and industrial and I couldn't believe the size of the tanks they aged the wine in. They were totally about the business and seemed to have little reverence for the wine making process at all. The other bodega was wildly different. This bodega produces wine that is sold exclusively at the vineyard and in Kentucky (yeah, go figure). The bottles here went for something between 10 and 30 pesos, while in Kentucky, the cheapest bottle is closer to $60. If I wasn't limited to a backpack I can actually carry, I would have bought 15 bottles. The wine was incredible. They also have this bazillion year old tradition for how they ferment their wine, and use a process that was used to prepare the wine for the founder's daughter's wedding more than 100 years ago.

Following the vineyards, we went to an Olive bodega. Here they grow both table olives and olives for olive oil. Wow. I can't say yum enough times. We got to taste all these different kinds of olives, oils, pastes, and whatever else they had. Gosh, I was in heaven. Again, I would have bought the store had it not been for my weight limitations.

The ride home on the bus was another cultural experience. Since time is not an issue, we drove each and every person on the bus home to their house. It took over an hour and a half, but we got door-to-door service. I was quite impressed. I've never heard of that happening in the States.

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