Friday, February 29, 2008

Gay Men in Bs As

I've been told that BsAs is a great place for the gay community, and that it's basically the San Francisco for Latin America. I don't anything about whether or not that's true, and would have no idea how to measure it anyway, but Wednesday night I got a little taste of the gay community here, and I must say, it was fabulous.

The night started with Barbara (a dutch student from the same home stay I used to live at) and I having plans to grab dinner some where and meet Pablo out dancing at this club called Museum. Now, I'd heard mixed reviews about Museum, and didn't really know if I was gonna like it or not. Obviously, I should know that no matter what, I'm not really a night club person, but every so often I need to remind myself of that fact. Nevertheless, Barbara and I went for dinner on the Navy boat with Matías and one of his friends, Sebastian. We chilled, ate papas fritas and carne milanese, and basically waited for Pablo to contact us.

Apparently I'm not cool, however, because Pablo never called. Obviously Barbara and I were gonna go out anyway, but suddenly we were free to pick whatever location we wanted. Sebastian suggested we check out this club that was in the microcentro of the city, and relatively close to my hotel and Sebastian's place. We figured, why not?

Since Matías had to work, it was just the three of us. We get to the club around 12:30, which is super early by BsAs standards, so when we arrive, there are probably 15 or 20 people in the space, sitting around and pretty much waiting around. Most of the people were guys, but we thought nothing of it since the people that arrive at clubs early usually are men on the prowl. An hour later, however, the place was full... and still there were no women. Sebastian even said to me, "I wonder what happened to all the women!" Of course, at this point Barbara and I had figured out that this was a gay club.  Schweeeeet.  There were videos of Madonna in concert being broadcast on the walls of the club, and music like Michael Jackson to a techno beat blasting in our ears.

And so, for the first time in BsAs, Barbara and I enjoyed the feeling of NOT being an object of voyeurism.  No one whistled words like linda and hermosa in our ears.  No one attempted to kiss us before asking our names.  No one even bothered to look over at us.  And so we danced it up and partied on.  Sebastian was a little out of his element, but I don't blame him.  Suddenly Madonna has a whole new side.

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