Sunday, February 24, 2008


Before leaving my home stay in San Cristóbal, a girl from Holland moved in.  Barbara had been to BsAs in December, left for a few months to travel around, and decided to come back because she loved the city so much.  Luckily we overlapped just enough for me to find out she's a dancer as well.  Schweeeet.  And we're talking SALSA dancer, here.

So, finally, I had a buddy to come with me to Azúcar... the local go-to place for Salseros.  It turned out to be absolutely awesome. The locale was small enough to be intimate, but not populated to the point of it being gross.  Everyone was a spectacular dancer, and people intermingled a LOT more than they do in places like Copacabana in NYC.  It was impossible to walk across the room without being grabbed by someone and pulled onto the dance floor.

Being from the United States, people were all excited to practice their English on me.  I got a few lines that were especially interesting...  "I want to make love with you" and "When I touch you?"  I corrected them on their grammar and then pointed out that sentences like that are not usually muttered to people within the first 5 minutes of meeting them.  But nevertheless... everyone was nice, and in the end, they were all gentlemen.  Most of them didn't care whether I said I had a novio (boyfriend) or not.... oh boy, the latin culture is something else.  But they did understand if I said "no me podes besar... solo bailar"

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