Monday, January 14, 2008

Sabado y Domingo

It felt so good to sleep in a little on Saturday.  I spent most of the morning passed out, or trying to formulate enough sentences in spanish to ask where the breakfast food was.  In the afternoon, a bunch of us went to Plaza Serrano which is a big marketplace where all these artists have set up little booths, and you can walk around and buy stuff for really cheap.  It's like a craft fair, and they have it every single weekend.  Some of the art was absolutely amazing, and I couldn't believe the prices.  A totally original pair of earrings was selling for the equivalent of $3.  Too bad I have to limit the amount of stuff I own these days, because I was like a kid in a candy store.

They also had lots of stores that housed various clothing designers who didn't have enough stuff to own an entire store.  There were the most adorable dresses for $10.  Again, I was going crazy.

At night, I went out with a whole bunch of Brazillians from my school who were going to a Brazillian night club.  We were all geared up to so salsa and samba dancing, and were quite disappointed when it turned out to be Brazillian 80s music.  We had fun anyway, though, and it was great to hang out with a bunch of people that I was forced to speak spanish with seeing as that was our only common language.  I was most surprised by how young they all were, though.  Several were less than 18 years old, here on summer holiday before going off to college.

Seeing as I was hanging out with Brazillian's who, I discovered, have no idea what sleep is, we didn't get home until almost 6am.  I spent Sunday morning catching up on my much-needed Z's.  In the afternoon I went with Eda and Lawrence to San Telmo which is a quaint little shopping district with lots and lots of cute little restaurants and cobble stone streets.  It reminded me a lot of Soho in New York, only it was 1/10 the price.  We ate at a little french place for lunch, and spent time sipping coffee in the plaza.

Afterwards we went to Recoletta to watch a movie (Juego Macabro) and return to that bar from Wednesday night for a pre-dinner cervesa.  Dinner was at this adorable little Vietnamese place that Eda and Lawrence had been trying to get a reservation to for over a month.  We were so lucky to get a table because the food was absolutely amazing.  I had some pork/pineapple number that has redefined both pork and pineapple for me.  Another couple beers and a highly annoying conversation with really loud, obnoxious American's later, we came home.  Sunday was a great day.

Classes started again today, and now that I'm in week 2, I feel all knowledgeable.  I know where the classrooms are, and when things stop and start.  Most of the people from my class from last week were gone and we got two new girls.  Unfortunately, they're American too, but at least they're not annoying.  They're both way smarter in Spanish than I am, though, so that's nice... I can learn from them as well.

1 comment:

Tilke said...

Hi Steffi - Everything seems so nice. I like seeing pictures of you and your friends, but I'd be great to see pictures of the places as well!