Wednesday, January 9, 2008

3 Days In

For homework today, I have to write a paragraph about a typical day in my life, so I got all inspired, and figured I should let you in on how it's going for me.  With classes now in full swing, my routine is more defined.  I wake up at 7:30, shower, and get to the breakfast table by 8:00.  Breakfast is bread with butter or jam, and tea or coffee.  The 6 of us that are part of COINED (my school) all basically eat breakfast together, although it's kinda a free-for-all.  Then off to school we go.  A 20-minute subway ride gets us there by 9am.  Group classes go until 1pm, with a 20-minute break in the middle during which we run out to get a snack or some sort at the supermarket across the street.  Lunch is until 2pm, at which point Leslie goes to Tango class, and Tamara goes back for some more spanish.  2-3 I do homework or hang out with Marc.  Then I have my private lesson.  It's more structured now - not just a conversation.  We go over more of the specifics of what I covered in the morning class, and then work on other things.  Yesterday it was telling time, today it was describing things in a house.  Most of the time it's just building vocabulary.

Then it's back to the house.  Since Tamara, Leslie, and I all finish at the same time, we try to go home together... the subway is a little bit of a creepy experience.  (I think the cars were built in the 1800's - they're totally made of wood).

A nap and a few hours of studying later, the entire house sits down for a GIANT meal that has been A-MAZ-ING the last couple days.  Hopefully that'll stay the same.

Now I'm off to a bar with a few of the students and Gonzalo - the son from the host family that still lives in the house.

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