Friday, January 18, 2008

My Environment

I got a few requests from some of you for pictures of my environment here in Buenos Aires. I therefore went through a typical day at school and snapped shots of some of the things I do as part of my usual routine.

This is what my classroom looks like. Every week the particular people in my class change, but it usually looks something like this - a smallish table, with a white board on a wall, and everyone sitting around trying to absorb what they can. From left to right, around the table, it's Seana from Curacao, Robert from London, my teacher Cecilia, Dennis from Holland, Me, Linea from the Pacific Islands, and Jon from Quebec.
Our typical lunch spot in a park right next to the school. We've discovered a little buffet in a supermarket that is quick and easy for lunch time when we have to rush around and accomplish things rather than deal with the notoriously slow table service here in Buenos Aires.
My favorite part of the day is dinner time when the whole group of students living in the house sits down and communicates in a weird language that is a mash up of all the ones we collectively know. It takes a while to get used to how we talk, and any new person that joins the table has to listen for a while before they can understand us. From left to right around the table is Lawrence (England), Eda (Turkey), Camila (Brazil), Marc (Austria), Tamara (Italy), Gonzalo (Buenos Aires), Leslie (Texas), and Tais (Brazil).

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