Sunday, January 20, 2008

Zoologico Lujan

Yesterday we went on a 1-day excursion out of the city to a zoo outside of the city Lujan. We'd heard so much about this giant zoo we decided to make a day of it, and check it out. As it turned out, the hugeness of the zoo was very much debatable, but the experience was still great. We got to ride an elephant (see left) that was the cutest thing ever. Every time the elephant did a lap with random strangers on his back, he got a treat. It was so adorable to watch him handle it with his trunk. There were also a bunch of different kinds of monkeys (which are entirely way too much fun to watch), and you could pet just about any animal you wanted... they were apparently all drugged into cooperating with annoying humans all day.

Right before lunch we rode horses as well. Tamara is a big horse rider herself - she owns a horse and even has horse-accident stories to tell. She was so excited to go riding again she went three times. Since I had never been on a horse before in my life (how I managed to do that for 24 years, I have no idea) I was really surprised with how much vertical movement a horse has when it's apparently moving forward. By kicking your feet and clicking your tongue, you could make the horse go as fast as you wanted, but the thing bounced so much it was hilarious. I guess it takes practice, because Tamara looked a lot more comfortable on the horse than the rest of us managed to.

The highlight of the day, however, was the delectable meal from the parrilla - a restaurant that specializes in cooking various meats on a grill. We ordered Carne Asado and were not disappointed at ALL. Yummmm.

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