Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Week 2 Commencement

Now week 2 of classes is in full swing.  It's actually quite awesome to be here less than 10 days and find it possible to order food, ask questions about shoe sizes, tell a taxi driver which direction to go, or comment on the dress I'm trying on.  Granted, it's in terribly broken spanish that has no prepositions, pronouns, or tenses, but hey, it's a start.  At least the people here are patient and nice enough to slow down their words.

In my private class today, I learned about three different aspects of the language; the continuing present tense, the direct object pronoun, and the reflexive verb.  Suddenly I feel so much more flexible with my sentences.  I've noticed, however, that nothing is officially "learned" until I've managed to use it in my conversations with people.  I suddenly notice other people using a grammatical concept I just learned, but implementing it myself is a much higher hurdle to clear.  I guess it works the same way with learning vocab words for the GRE or something; after learning it, you suddenly see it everywhere you look, but actually plucking it out of your brain for your own personal use signals the final storing stage has been completed.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Tonight I'm going Salsa dancing.  Yes, I know - it's not Tango, but Salsa is big here too.  Most of the people coming along are Brazilians, so it'll be a challenge, but it should be fun.

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