Sunday, May 11, 2008

Laundry Day

I read nursery rhymes as a kid that talked about the different days of the week, and their specific purposes.  I remember one day was market day, and one day was bathing day.  One day was always laundry day too.  I never really understood why the days were delineated the way they were, because I would think about how you didn't really need a whole day to do each of those tasks. 

I never really understood, that is, until I suddenly found myself living it.

Today was laundry day for me.  The ladies in the kitchen here are also responsible for cleaning and laundry, but they're notorious for being a bit rough on the fancy materials, so we're encouraged to do our own laundry if we're particular in any way.  Since I'm obsessed with my underwear which is NOT on the cheap side, and I'm also picky about how stretched-out my cotton tank tops become, I figured it wouldn't be that much of an issue to just do my own laundry.

Well, laundry is done on a special table.  It's got a basin for clean water, and a little scrubbing pad to scrunch your clothes against as you pour soapy or clean water over them.  It is NOT easy getting stains out of your clothes that way - especially when you're like me and hopelessly trying not to ruin the stretch and pull of the materials your abusing.

Here's a picture of Barbara doing laundry...

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