Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Accomodations

Monkey Point doesn't have much, but what it does have is a guest house for all the random people that come through, and all the single men that don't yet have houses to live in because they haven't built them, or haven't really figured out a way to make a living yet.  Nonetheless, this house is basically empty except for a giant pole in the middle from which you can hang a hammock, and a kitchen in the back where you can cook some food.  Seeing as we were guests, we got first pick on where our hammocks went, and which chickens to kill for dinner and such, but pretty much all the single men hung out at the place the whole time as well.

Surprisingly enough, hammocks are actually quite comfortable to sleep in.  They're cool, suspended above the ground so no lizards, rats, or scorpions can get to you, and you can still stick a mosquito net over them.  The key is to get one wide enough that you don't worry about flipping out of them in the middle of the night.  Additionally, the hammocks that are traditionally sold in the states - little weave numbers - are absolutely pointless here because they mold when they get wet, dig into your skin when you sleep on them, and don't protect you from the mosquitoes one bit.  The best hammocks are actually made of tarp - but they tend to shrink over time.  Oh, the glories of hammocks...

As for the food, although it wasn't as varied as most diets, it still managed to be quite good.  Every meal we had bread of some sort - either deep fried or "baked".  It basically tasted a lot like the bannock we had camping in Canada... flour, water, sugar, some baking soda, and if we were lucky, some coconut shavings to sweeten the dough.  We also had some sort of meat or fish as well.  The fish we got on the days when the men woke up early to go fishing and managed to bring back a bit extra.  Otherwise we'd kill a chicken or something.  Usually it was deep fried (they love their oil here) or put into a sort of stew-like mash.  This pic is of the fried bread and fish we had one morning.  The lime is pretty much a universal topping for the food because it flavors the food while killing of a few bacteria here and there.

1 comment:

Christopher K said...

So, I don't know if you actually read these comments, but what you are experiencing is amazing Stephanie. Thanks for sharing too boo.