Saturday, April 5, 2008

Punta de Aguila

Today we went to Punta de Aguila, another community that we serve.  This community is interesting in that it's composed almost entirely of the Rama people - an indigenous group that dates back to pre-cristopher-columbus days.  Sebastian had to check up on the maintenance status of the turbine and tower there, but I was going along simply as a guinea pig to test out one of the activity suggestions for the EcoLodge business plan: an excursion to Punta de Aguila.

We took out our trusty little dug-out canoe and braved the ocean waves for about half an hour before coming upon another perfect, empty beach with a random cow chewing on some foliage.  A quick hike and a few pigs and chickens later we came up to a house.  On the porch was this really old dude, who probably looked a lot older than he really was, who was using his machete (everyone here has machetes, by the way) to whittle down a giant piece of wood into the shape of an axe handle.

Now, machetes around here consist of a small black handle that fits in the palm of your hand, and a blade between 2 and 2.5 feet long made out of some kind of metal that is both flexible and strong.  The men carry it around them like I carry around pens or gum.  So here's this really old dude, hacking away at a piece of wood (probably a 4x4 measuring 5 feet in length) with a giant knife-like thing - and using an impossible amount of precision, skill, and patience.

Next to him sits a little baby playing with chickens.

I sat and watched him for a while, but could hardly communicate with him, as he spoke a native language and only a few spanish words.  And to be honest, after observing him for 45 minutes and seeing only a 1% improvement on the shape of the handle, I was getting frustrated and impatient myself.  I have no idea how he managed to stay so calm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's with this "2.5 feet" stuff?
Haven't you joined the world yet?
Speak standard!

Yo' finger-waggin' dad