Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Winding Down

So it's Tuesday of my last week in Buenos Aires. Suddenly I find myself tying up all my loose ends here, and preparing myself for an adventure of a lifetime in Nicaragua. I can't believe how scared I am. I think I felt a lot more ready for this whole thing before, when it wasn't so completely about to happen. On top of that, I'm sad to be leaving Argentina. Although I knew I was going to like the city, I didn't think I was going to fall in love with it the way I have. Buenos Aires is not perfect, but it's character is so particular - the scars of the economic crises that mar it's beauty, the lost pride of the people that live here, the sad nostalgia of the tango dance, the simple beauty and tranquility of the corner cafe - it's all here, and I'm about to leave it.

Thankfully my parents are here to distract me from the inevitable, and keep me focused on seeing the last pieces of the city I still haven't seen. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself on Thursday when Matías and my parents will all leave, and I'll find myself all alone once again.  Hopefully my last three days here will be different than the first three - the ones rife with fright and the incapacity to communicate.  We'll see.

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