Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Salsa All the Time

So even though I wasn't making a point of being conspicuous, I've apparently made such a name for myself dancing at Pasadena on Thursday nights, that Christian asked me to help him teach some classes.  Christian is one of the Rwandese dancers who started dancing salsa when it first came to Kigali about 4 years ago.  He's an exceptional leader by any measure, but even more so because he rarely has anyone to learn from.  He spends most of his time trying to invent new moves with his own creativity, watching youtube videos (on an internet connection that hardly makes youtube watching worthwhile) and scouting around for expats that have recently come to Kigali that happen to know salsa.  He and a few of his friends run a tuesday-night salsa class at the local rec center.

Christian asked if he could practice with me in order to try some new moves and learn whatever patterns I had to teach.  He offered that I go to the tuesday class, help some of the other students, and then we'd practice afterwards.  For the past two weeks I've been going.  It's been quite fun, despite the fact that I feel grossly underqualified to be teaching him anything.  We mostly work on simple lifts and dips that he then tries on unwitting partners on Thursday nights.

Anyway, Evette, the Rwandese girl that helps Christian out with the organizational details of the salsa classes asked me if I'd teach a ladies styling class.  Again, I have to appreciate what a small pond I'm in if I am the one they come to for styling tips.  Nonetheless, today was my first ladies styling class.  We worked on arm styling and some basic hip movement.  It was actually quite fun, and I was surprised how eager and willing all the students were.  Christian has also asked that I keep an eye out for any women with special talent that he might recruit for a demonstration group.  THAT would be fun.

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