Monday, June 23, 2008

Climbing the Turbine Tower

Maya calls herself a quasi-obsessive climber. She entered climbing competitions in college, and every time an opportunity to climb presents itself, you find Maya mousing around checking out various possible hand-holds.

Anyway… since our week and a half of crazy construction-ing resulted in our being absolutely DEAD, we sorta took a chill day for ourselves. Having been inspired by some turbine-maintenance the workers had done on one of the turbines on campus, Maya decided we were going to climb the tower. Yay!

And so we did. Ronald and Eliot in the workshop were a little concerned that GIRLS wanted to climb it… I had to endure several repeated lessons from Ronald on how to climb and quadruple-check the harness, but eventually we got to go up.

We took some pics once we got up there.

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