Friday, December 7, 2007

Getting Ready

Yup. It's official. I'm about to go on a crazy, wild adventure, and although I'm excited, I'm also extremely scared and overwhelmed. Today I spent almost 6 hours running through the list of last-minute details I have to take care of. Who knew that disappearing for 15 months would require so much work? I had to put together a letter of resignation, figure out what I'm going to do with all my winter clothes (I decided to dry-clean a crapload of them, and throw them in a plastic closet thing in the basement), rip all my CDs onto my soon-to-be-trusty-little-travel computer (oh wait, I had to buy the computer first)... Seriously, the list is endless.

But! Never fear. I have managed to get my act well-enough together that I have even found time to set up that BLOG I've decided to keep as a travel journal/diary/photo album thingy. Oh lookie! I'm writing my first entry now. Heh.

And so I present to you all, my lovely readers (if I'm lucky, there may be one or two of you), the beginning of my chronicles of my adventures abroad. Feel free to post comments, send me encouraging email, or simply stare in disbelief as I set out on my 18-hour flight to Buenos Aires on Friday, Jan 4th. Yes that's right kiddies, you all have less than a month before I'm outta your hair for what I'm sure will feel like forever.